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hotel parque central .com - Central Park Hotel on Old Havana
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A harmonious mixture of past and future flow by hand in the heart of Old Havana
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Owners & Operators

Hotel Parque Central is being operated by NH Hotels

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Welcome to my site dedicated to the famous and historical Hotel Parque Central. I am "poco a poco" researching and updating it with the aim to provide as complete as possible record of the hotel's ancient and recent history; bearing in mind that the goings-on today may one day be of historical interest.

My site is NOT the official website of the current hotel operator, and is by no means endorsed by them; but I am grateful for their help with the research and supplying some of the photographs. ASAP I will try to have only my own photos taken with my nice new camera.

You can make from this site room reservations through the Bizloco eTravel System operated by Cubaism Ltd.

Best wishes for 2025

Nigel Alexander Hunt

If you would like to contribute to the site please email the

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